While all donations of any amount are appreciated with deep gratitude, here’s how you can benefit by helping us.
Making a donation to the production of ‘Christina Cooks’ is an investment Making a donation to the production of ‘Christina Cooks’ is an investment in what I like to call the biggest classroom in the world. When Robert and I began this project in 1997, we had options. We could have gone the route of commercial television and made more money, sat back, and lived easily on those profits. Instead, we decided to stay true to our mission of education on national public television: to help people to have a healthier relationship with food; to provide information that helps people to make the healthiest choices they can and to tread lighter on the planet by way of those choices.
Purely educational (even though I can be funny sometimes), we use our cooking show platform as the vehicle that draws people in and gets them hooked. Gorgeous healthy food will do that. Do we help people? I don’t know; you’d have to ask the thousands of people who email us, or some of the millions of viewers who tune in faithfully each week to discover the impact of food on wellness and how they can use food to live well.
To produce for public television means raising all of our production budget from outside sources; sponsors and donors. Of course, it also means that we control the message; no one tells me what I can and can’t say on the show. I have no advertisers to worry about losing.
But television is an expensive proposition; I am not going to lie. It’s worth it, but we need your support. Hard stop!
The work I do is important; not just to me, but to people who want to live better and healthier lives.
Again, while all donations of any amount are appreciated, when you make a donation of $1000.00 or more, you’ll receive an on screen credit at the beginning and end of each episode designating you as a supporter who helped make Christina Cooks possible. You can also choose to make a regular monthly donation as well.
Click below to donate now, and help us get a head start on production of our next series of Christina Cooks which will begin airing in September of 2025.)
I’ll end by saying, I hope you see the value in what I do as much as I do.